Modern Driver's Education
Did you know that by selecting our school you will save a total of $185.00 over the competition! Our program is $660.00 and the competition is $800.00. Our road test sponsorship is $90.00. Our competition is $135.00. We provide the same program requirements, same sponsorship description but at an affordable cost and no additional process fees! We provide weekend remote classes so there is minimal interference with school. If you miss a class you can schedule a make-up date that works for you. We rank in the upper 98% pass rate first time on road tests consistently. We provide behind the wheel lessons 7 days a week and have pickup locations in most every town and even pick up at high schools. And We do take students from PHS, Taconic, Wahconah despite what you might be told.
Also, there's no waiting days or a month for your road test! "
Karen's School of Driving
Serving the Berkshires for Seventeen years
Karen has been a certified Driver's Ed instructor for over Twenty-nine years. She has her Master's in Education and has been a public school teacher for Twenty-nine years.